Jessica and Brian

It was 2 AM in the morning at the Central Library, Brian was just about to wrap up on his thesis. He loved going to the library for the smell of old books, the quiet shuffling of papers, and the lack of distractions. However, on that day, he was absent-minded. He kept glancing at the girl right in front of him, Jessica, and before he could notice, he had scribbled her name all over a piece of paper. Flustered at what he’s done, Brian quickly packed up and left the library. Little did he know that the piece of paper with Jessica’s name slipped, and fate would have it land right beside Jessica’s desk - their love sprouted.

At GH, when Jessica carefully showed us the yellowing old note that she kept for 5 years, we were amazed by the story behind it. Working with Jessica and Brian, we engraved the handwritten letters from the note on their wedding band, eternalizing their forever love.

Olivia and Sam

Sam met Olivia for the first time at an MBA welcome party. He had always thought love at first sight was a fairy tale until he saw her eyes. Calm like the lake, bright like the North Star, and deep like the ocean, Olivia captured Sam’s heart the moment he held her eyes.

Sam pursued his love at first sight courageously. Knowing she’s outdoorsy, Sam set up a weekend hike with Olivia and a few friends. While crossing a creek, Olivia took Sam’s hand. Sam later told us, “that was the first time I held her hand. I knew, at that moment - I will put a ring on her finger one day”.

Sam chose the classic four-prong round diamond ring for the proposal. Simple, pure, yet so brilliant, the diamond emits untouchable beauty just like her eyes. The solitaire setting signifies that, in his world,, no one else can shine as bright, no one else can bring him such delight.

Holly and Luke

Holly and Luke grew up in the same apartment building and have known each other for more than twenty years. Since elementary school, they would wait for each other after school to go home together. The backseat of a car ride is not complete without his arm as a pillow.

On a dark foggy day, their car ran through a pothole, the violent jolt woke Holly from her nap. To her surprise, in the span of a second, Luke wrapped his whole body tightly around her, shielding her with all his might. At that moment, she knew. He is her protector, her pillar of love.

Holly and Luke customized the engagement ring to encircle a round brilliant diamond with eight heart-shaped ones. The halo represents Luke’s love and protection for Holly. Luke said, “Holly is always my princess, lighting up my world with her smile.” Holly told us with a beaming smile “Luke is and will always be my knight”.

They do not know when their love blossomed, they just know it will never end.