What are 4Cs and why are they important?

Searching for a sparkling diamond? Selecting a diamond starts by understanding the unique characteristics of each stone. Diamonds are graded based off the 4Cs - cut, color, clarity and carat weight. The 4Cs of diamonds impact the stone’s beauty and value. Learn more about each of the diamond 4Cs below.


Cut: the cut of a diamond is the most important determining factor among the 4Cs. A diamond’s cut refers to how well-proportioned the dimensions of a diamond are, and how the surfaces, or facets, are positioned to create sparkle and brilliance.

A well-cut diamond will direct more light through the crown. A diamond with a depth that's too shallow or too deep will allow light to escape through the sides or the bottom of the stone.

Color: Color is projected by the trace elements in the diamonds. A diamond is all the more exceptional if it is colorless. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) color scale is the industry standard for diamond grading. The GIA diamond color grades range from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). GH diamonds are exclusively selected from D to J, with little or no fluorescence.

  • Colorless diamonds: The rarest and highest quality with a pure icy look.

    • D-F Color Diamonds

    Near-colorless diamonds: No discernible color; great value for the quality.

    • G-H Color Diamonds

    • I-J Color Diamonds

    Faint color diamonds: Budget-friendly pick; pairs beautifully with yellow gold.

    • K Color Diamonds

Clarity: Diamond clarity is the assessment of small imperfections on the surface and within the stone. Surface flaws are called blemishes, while internal defects are known as inclusions. In most cases, a diamond’s beauty is not affected by these in any way since most inclusions can’t be seen with the naked eye.

When referring to inclusions, gemologists often use the term “internal characteristics” instead of flaws. Internal characteristics are what give a natural diamond its character. It’s also important to note that diamonds with the fewest and smallest inclusions receive the highest clarity grades—and higher price tags to reflect that. Remember, all diamonds are unique, not perfect. They are made underground through enormous pressure and heat. Natural inclusions and blemishes are inevitable. The clarity of a diamond depends on the number of inclusions, their sizes, and their positions. GH selects diamonds with inclusions that do not interfere with the beauty of the diamonds.


  • Carat

    The term carat is often misunderstood. It refers to a diamond's weight, not its size. Another misperception is that a larger carat weight is always better than a smaller carat weight. While it’s true that a big rock can be a status symbol (here’s looking at you, Hollywood), carat weight is not related to sparkle. Beautiful sparkle is the result of a well-crafted cut. In fact, a high carat weight diamond with a poor cut may look smaller than a diamond with a smaller carat weight and a very good cut. Once carat corresponds to 0.20 grams. GH offers GIA certified diamonds from 0.30 carats upwards. Every GIA round brilliant cut diamond from 0.30 carat is engraved with an inscription numbers. GIA diamonds with other shapes are also engraved with the inscription number if the process allows.